Family Lawyer in Edwardsville
Work with a Mediator to reach agreements outside of court and maintain control over the decisions that will be made in your family following a divorce. Save time, save money, and most importantly save your children.
Work one-on-one with your divorce attorney who will assist you in moving forward with your life after a divorce.
Prenuptial Agreements
Protect your separate property, and debts, during a marriage.
Orders of Protection
When domestic violence becomes a concern, work with a family law attorney who will work to protect you and those you care about.
Estate Planning & Probate
There is no greater gift to your loved ones than securing their inheritance. Work with an estate planning attorney and take control of how your property will be distributed and who will care for your children in the event of a tragedy.
Small Business Matters
Starting a small business involves many legal considerations. Entrepreneurs need the help of a small business attorney to ensure that their business is set on the right track.
Settle disputes involving your children outside of the courtroom and save them from experiencing litigation in the family. No one knows what is best for children better than their parents. Take control of your children’s future and reach agreements through mediation.
Child Custody & Child Support
Nothing is more important than your children. Work one-on-one with a trusted family law attorney in disputes involving your children.
Work directly with a trusted family law attorney who will work to reach a parenting schedule that is both fair to the parents best and in the best interests of children.
Modification of Judgments
Circumstances are always changing. When changes occur in your family, work with a trusted family law attorney who will assist in modifications of child support, parental responsibilities, and parenting time.
Receive legal representation through adoption proceedings, including stepparent adoptions, and grandparent adoptions.